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2024-05-06 13:38:10 来源:心动文学 点击:4
1、准备一个回忆录,回忆起相遇、相知、相爱、相守。 Prepare a memoir to recall meeting, knowing, loving and staying together. 2、我野蛮生长,没能成为自己的月亮。能遇见你,是银河慷慨赠我的糖。 I grew up savagely and failed to be my own moon. To meet you is a generous gift from galaxy. 3、你怕生人吗?不怕的话,那以后我们多生几个好不好。 Are you afraid of strangers? If we're not afraid, we'll have more children after that. 4、希望你下辈子不要改名,这样我会好找你一点。 I hope you don't change your name in the next life, so I can find you better. 5、如果你在背后议论我,那只能说明,我活的明显要比你精彩许多。 If you talk about me behind my back, it can only show that I live a lot better than you. 6、可以和我争吵,但不要说分手,因为我害怕这两个字。 You can quarrel with me, but don't say goodbye, because I'm afraid of these two words. 7、就只看了你一眼,就已确定了永远,那时候车马慢,一生只够爱一人。 Just look at you, it has been determined forever, at that time, the car was slow, life is only enough to love one person. 8、转身,一缕冷香远,逝雪深,笑意浅。来世你渡我,可愿? Turn around, a wisp of cold fragrance far away, snow deep, smile shallow. Will you cross me in the next life? 9、人生最大的愉悦,是发现自我爱的人正好也爱自我。 The greatest pleasure of life is to find that the person who loves himself happens to love himself. 10、每天早上,看到你和阳光都在,就是我想要的未来。 Every morning, to see you and sunshine is the future I want. 11、我所认为的最深沉的爱,就是我把自己,活成了你的样子。 I think the deepest love is that I live myself like you. 12、最美的情话不是我爱你,是从你口中说出的我也爱你。 The most beautiful love words are not I love you, but from your mouth, I love you too. 13、我躺在你睫毛上的时候你能不能不要眨眼睛。 Can you stop blinking while I'm lying on your eyelashes. 14、这个世界诱惑很多,但我还是希望你能只热烈的爱我。 There are many temptations in this world, but I still hope you can only love me warmly. 15、我只想让我的世界中有你的笑容,一直都有。 I just want to have your smile in my world, always. 16、亲爱的,我只爱你!我把爱,全都给了你,真心,只留给爱你的人。 Honey, I only love you! I give all my love to you, sincerely, only for those who love you. 17、过尽千帆,皆不是吾心所爱;弱水三千,只有你知我冷暖。 After a thousand sails, are not my heart love; weak water 3000, only you know I am warm and cold. 18、你不懂在别人都不看好我们的爱情时,我经历了多少。 You don't know how much I've experienced when other people don't value our love. 19、如果你的梦想,是拯救苍生,那我的梦想,便唯你一人。 If your dream is to save people, then my dream is only you. 20、也许一生只够爱一个人,后来遇到的都只是像你。 Maybe life is only enough to love a person, and then meet just like you. 21、真正的痛苦是忘不了的,因为它是你的刻骨铭心。 The real pain is unforgettable, because it is your unforgettable. 22、你给别的女生点赞一次,我就觉得你出轨了一次。 If you give a compliment to another girl, I think you have cheated once. 23、时间很短,天涯很远,余生的一山一水,一朝一夕,我陪你走完。 Time is very short, the horizon is far, the rest of my life a mountain and a water, day and night, I accompany you to walk. 24、无论我多么平凡,但我总觉得我对你的爱很美。 No matter how ordinary I am, I always feel my love for you is very beautiful. 25、不要再胡思乱想了,想我吧,我也很想你。 Don't think about me any more. I miss you very much. 26、我这辈子啊,有两个目标,小目标是世界和平,大目标是让你开心。 In my life, I have two goals. The small goal is world peace, and the big goal is to make you happy. 27、每天睡醒的时候,一想到又可以见到可爱的你,我就不赖床了。 Every day when I wake up, the thought of seeing you again makes me feel better. 28、现实世界一切已知的客观存在里,我最喜欢你。 Of all the known objective existence in the real world, I like you the most. 29、期待夏天的风,也期待夏天的你,更期待成为你的夏季。 Looking forward to the summer wind, also looking forward to the summer you, more looking forward to becoming your summer. 30、简单的生活,何尝不是一场华丽的冒险。 Simple life is not a gorgeous adventure. 31、叹口气还是决定继续爱你,就算栽了也愿意。 Sigh or decided to continue to love you, even if planted also willing. 32、我踏平纷乱战役,不为传布,只为你相逢江南盛世衰退。 I set foot on the turbulent campaign, not to spread, only for you to meet the decline of the prosperous Jiangnan. 33、永远把自己当成个傻瓜,假装听不懂他说的情话。 Always regard yourself as a fool, pretending not to understand his love words. 34、风轻微微的从脸颊边游走,不用抓紧也可以的得到的小幸福。 The wind gently swam away from the cheek, do not have to grasp can also get the small happiness. 35、我对事物厌倦得太快,而你是我最大的例外。 I get tired of things too quickly, and you are my biggest exception. 36、虽然不知道你的心情,但可以知道的是,夜晚的我,总在想着你的笑容。 Although I don't know your mood, I always think of your smile at night. 37、你是我的玫瑰你是我的花,小鸟的情话只给您夸。 You are my rose, you are my flower, the bird's love words only give you praise. 38、愿你目之所及,都是我的名字,愿你心之所想,都是我的影子。 May your eyes be my name and your heart my shadow. 39、现在放在心上的人以后也要放在床上,住进眼里以后也要住进家里。 The people who care about it now should also be put on the bed and live in the house after living in the eyes. 40、你等着吧,总有一天你会是我儿子的妈妈! You wait, one day you will be my son's mother! 41、我不喜欢等,无论所等的是好事、坏事,一颗心悬着,这滋味不好受。 I don't like waiting. No matter what I'm waiting for is good or bad, it's hard to feel a heart hanging. 42、爱,是陪你把风景都看透,一起看细水长流。 Love is to accompany you to see through the scenery and see the long stream together. 43、强扭的瓜不甜,我就不我偏要扭,反正我有糖。 I don't want to be forced to twist. I have sugar anyway. 44、笑脸看你,你的笑靥如花,我只是沐浴在你的春天里。 Smiling face to see you, your dimple like flowers, I just bathed in your spring. 45、我不是什么君子,我只想保护我的新娘。 I'm not a gentleman. I just want to protect my bride. 46、你的笑特别温暖,具有感染力,希望你能成为我的太阳。 Your smile is very warm and infectious. I hope you can be my sun. 47、你走进我心里最荒凉的地方,还在那里开出一朵花。 You go into the most desolate place in my heart, and you still open a flower there. 48、不想和你看同一个月亮,想和你一同看月亮。 Don't want to see the same moon with you, want to see the moon with you. 49、你喜欢田野,而我愚笨。只能植荒十年,换得一时春生。 You like the fields, but I'm stupid. It can only be planted for ten years, in exchange for a spring. 50、冬天你是我的优乐美,夏天你是我的冰棒。 In winter, you are my Youlemei, in summer you are my popsicle. 51、我这个人很害羞的,不信你亲我一下我害羞给你看。 I'm very shy. If you kiss me, I'm shy to show you. 52、我已经删除了你在我生活里的一切痕迹,除了对你的回忆。 I have deleted all traces of you in my life, except for your memories. 53、你是我的爱人,我不灭的生命。我要在你的血液里,诉说遥远的一切。 No, my love's life. I want to tell everything far away in your blood. 54、我既然选择了爱你,哪有那么容易把你放弃啦。 Since I have chosen to love you, it is not so easy to give you up. 55、人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年如我一瞬。 People can never see through the mirror, but my fingers smoke clouds, the world for thousands of years like me for a moment. 56、爱恋的精髓不在于初见的魂飞魄散,而在于漫长岁月中的难舍难离。 The essence of love is not the first sight of the soul, but in the long years of hard to leave. 57、适合的时候,被适合的人需要,这也是幸福吧。 When it is suitable, it is needed by the right person, which is also happiness. 58、要是我们能早一点认识的话,估计现在已经发展成情侣关系咯。 If we had known each other earlier, we would have developed into a relationship. 59、你有多重要我不知道,我只知道,你有多重我都要。 I don't know how important you are. I only know how much you weigh. 60、你就像个洋娃娃,真想就这样把你抱回家,看一辈子! You are like a doll. I really want to take you home and watch for a lifetime!




