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2024-04-27 10:04:21 来源:心动文学 点击:4
1、这个世界上没有谁欠下的,只有谁不珍惜的。 In this world, no one owes, only who does not cherish. 2、别仗着我喜欢你,你就一次次的刷新我的底线。 Don't rely on me like you, you refresh my bottom line again and again. 3、寒冬落魄你不在,春暖花开你是谁。 You are not in the cold winter, who are you in the spring. 4、没人会在乎你的过往,更没人懂得你的情长。 No one will care about your past, and no one knows your love. 5、我有感情洁癖,不能让我独自拥有,我就不要。 I have emotional cleanliness, can't let me have it alone, I don't want it. 6、所有艰难困苦的到来,只是为了成为过去。 All the hardships come just to be the past. 7、如果你看到前面的阴影,别怕,那是因为你背后有阳光。 If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid. It's because there is sunshine behind you. 8、我的腰闪了,惹祸的不是青春,而是压力。 My waist flashed, the trouble is not youth, but pressure. 9、谁不是一边燃一边丧,一边拼命一边又不想活了。 Who is not burning while mourning, while struggling while not want to live. 10、我喜欢你,怕你知道,怕你不知道,怕你知道装作不知道。 I like you, afraid you know, afraid you don't know, afraid you know, pretend not to know. 11、过度的爱情追求,必然会降低人本身的价值。 Excessive pursuit of love will inevitably reduce the value of people themselves. 12、岁月还漫长,你心地善良,终会有一人陪你骑马喝酒走四方。 Years are still long, you are kind-hearted, there will be a person to accompany you riding, drinking and walking around. 13、挫折关键不是问题本身,而是上帝在问你你内心是否够强大。 The key to frustration is not the problem itself, but God is asking you if your heart is strong enough. 14、独自撑伞的日子,我望你顺顺利利。 I hope you will be smooth when you are alone. 15、失眠的爱情最终会睡眠。 Insomnia love will eventually sleep. 16、承受了太多,就算我懦弱,只要个结果,就算没结果。 Bear too much, even if I am cowardly, as long as a result, even if no result. 17、这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。 This life, wind and rain, is to meet the best of their own. 18、说过的话,绝不说第二遍;放弃的人,绝不看第二眼! Never say what you have said for the second time; never give up for the second time! 19、世界上用的最普通的名词是朋友,但是最难得的也是朋友。 The most common noun used in the world is friend, but the most rare one is also friend. 20、我用时间证明了我爱你,你用时间证明了我是个傻逼。 I use time to prove that I love you, you use time to prove that I am a fool. 21、彩虹虽然美丽,总要等到阴雨过后才出现,生活才会顺利。 Although the rainbow is beautiful, it will not appear until after the rain, and life will be smooth. 22、这个世界真的太拥挤,拥挤到只剩下孤独和无助。 The world is so crowded that only loneliness and helplessness remain. 23、每天早上起来,刷完牙后,喝一杯温水。但是首先,你得起床。 Every morning, after brushing teeth, drink a cup of warm water. But first, you have to get up. 24、汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运。 Sweat irrigates hope, struggle decides fate. 25、黑夜给了我一双黑色的眼睛,可我却用它来翻白眼。 Night gave me a pair of black eyes, but I used it to roll my eyes. 26、花一两年去重新习惯一个人,还不如花一两年去温习他的习惯。 To spend a year or two to get used to a person again is not like to spend a year or two to review his habits. 27、我恨生前未积缘,古佛青灯度流年。 I hate that I didn't get along with the Buddha when I was alive. 28、如果我爱你是一个错误,那么让我遇见你便是这错误的源头。 If I love you is a mistake, then let me meet you is the source of this mistake. 29、后来,我爱过很多人,像你的发,像你的眼,却都不是你。 Later, I loved many people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not you. 30、悄悄问天上的神仙,或许我今年有机会谈场恋爱吗? Ask the fairy in the sky, maybe I have a chance to fall in love this year? 31、时间才是每个人的终极资源。 Time is everyone's ultimate resource. 32、我不要刻骨铭心的爱情,我只有简简单单的幸福。 I don't want unforgettable love, I only have simple happiness. 33、谁人知海的表面清澈,深底却肮脏不已。 Who knows that the surface of the sea is clear, but the bottom is dirty. 34、水的清澈不是因为它不含杂质,而是在于懂得沉淀。 The clarity of water is not because it does not contain impurities, but because it knows how to precipitate. 35、身体常动,内心常静。 The body is always moving, the heart is always quiet. 36、那些年错过的大雨,这些天全部还给你。 Those years missed the heavy rain, these days all back to you. 37、所谓的诗和远方,不过是,要把眼前的苟且,熬过了才有。 The so-called poem and the distance, but is, to put in front of the indulgence, to survive. 38、人生是一条没有回程的单行线,上帝不会给你一张返程的票。 Life is a one-way street without return journey. God won't give you a ticket for return journey. 39、做一个幸福的人,读书,旅行,努力工作,关心身体和心情。 To be a happy person, read, travel, work hard, care about body and mood. 40、人活着首先是要对自己负责,负责让自己这辈子都幸福。 The first thing to live is to be responsible for yourself and make yourself happy all your life. 41、以公主之名,判你爱我无期徒刑。 In the name of princess, sentence you love me to life imprisonment. 42、天气渐冷也好,心里的小鹿进入了沉睡期,再也不乱撞。 The weather is getting colder and colder. The deer in my heart is in a deep sleep and will not bump into each other any more. 43、如若已经不想爱了,那么就要离开对方,迎接新的开始。 If you don't want to love any more, you should leave each other and welcome a new beginning. 44、中了你的邪,对你日思夜想。 In your evil, think of you day and night. 45、只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。 Just because someone doesn't love you as much as you want, doesn't mean you're not loved by others. 46、闺蜜,就是你一天骂个八百遍,却不许别人骂一下的人。 My best friend is the one you scold 800 times a day, but don't allow others to scold you. 47、那些让我为之动容的人,都辜负了我。 Those who moved me failed me. 48、或许每个人年轻的时候,都有一段喜欢是用来遗憾和成长的。 Maybe when everyone is young, there is a period of love that is used to regret and grow up. 49、后来你熬夜成瘾,却也习惯了没有人关心。 Later, you get addicted to staying up late, but you get used to not being cared about. 50、你知道我最大的缺点是什么吗?缺你。 Do you know what my biggest weakness is? I need you.




